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choice and accompaniment of the season’s artist for the concert hall of Bruges

since 2010


visual dramaturgy for print and digital communication as well as publishing projects

2006-2009, then 2014-2021



La fabrique des regards offers narrative and metaphorical visual dramaturgy for the cultural field - image editing, iconography, art direction, you name it. Strong images, created by visual artists and reproduced in a new context, become the core of print and digital communication and publishing projects, mainly for the performing arts.

If you are planning to use a picture of the performance for your communication, you'll encounter two problems. The first is that there is no image of the creations at the time you want to communicate, while there are plenty of creations during a season in performing arts houses. The second is that you can't feel much, even if the image is great: a bit about the set and costume design, the face of singers or dancers - who may not be performing during 'your' night, nothing more. You don't listen to anything and the background is always black. Even the finest performances reek of the same kind of aesthetic.


That's why I started using metaphors and existing images from the visual arts, to create a new kind of invitation. Even if I don't show you the performance, I bring you the same kind of feelings you might experience during the performance, through a different artistic language, strong, visual, fulfilled without the time experience of the performing arts.


visual dramaturgy for the opera house of Brussels


Working for performing arts publication projects is a beautiful and challenging path. Instead of having to tell the whole story in a single image like for a poster, here it is possible to build a visual dramaturgy and give a strong narrative impact to a publication through images. The variations are endless, as are the possibilities of mixing and matching many different visual languages in a poetic and coherent way, depending on the story and the artistic crews.


The publishing projects are the opera evening programmes (where literature and visual art enter into a dialogue and open new emotional doors, beyond that of the performance), and some brochures of the opera and dance season if there is a will to build them in an editorial way (otherwise it is communication again).

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La fabrique des regards propose une dramaturgie visuelle narrative et métaphorique pour le domaine culturel - iconographie, direction artistique, à vous de choisir. Des images fortes, créées par des artistes visuels et reproduites dans un nouveau contexte, deviennent le cœur de la communication visuelle et de projets d'édition, principalement pour les arts de la scène.

La fabrique des regards biedt narratieve en metaforische visuele dramaturgie voor het culturele veld - beeldredactie, iconografie, art direction, noem maar op. Sterke beelden, gecreëerd door visuele kunstenaars en gereproduceerd in een nieuwe context, worden de kern van communicatie- en publicatieprojecten, voornamelijk voor de podiumkunsten.

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